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Nose: The nose is one place that looks there only for piercing. No paintings can be made on it, of course only if you want to look like a clown! A simple round and thin piece of jewelry looks cool on the nose. You can also go for some studs on the nose ?they look cool too.
Ears: The girls now are opting for multiple piercings one the ear. Gone are the days when girls just had their ear-lobes pierced. An upper ear piercing with a dangling little earring looks great and sexy. Don be too experimental though and limit the piercing to 2 ?each ear. Any more number of piercings and you will face the problem of infection.
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What is LipoDissolve?
LipoDissolve is a pot-fat loss?or argeted fat loss?treatment administered through a series of injections which dissolve unwanted localized areas of fat, giving the area a firm, better toned appearance. The treatment requires no surgical incisions (traditional liposuction techniques do), but rather a series of injections of a combination of homeopathic agents and FDA approved drugs.
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Egg Face Mask : Take the yolk of one egg, mix in it two spoonfuls of rose water and one spoonful of honey and preserve. Use it once a week. It is useful in winters. If you have wrinkles, take the white of an egg, beat it, mix in it three spoonfuls of oat-powder; one spoonful of honey and apply on the face. For still more dry skin another method is thus: Yolk of one egg, two spoonfuls of orange juice, half a spoon of lemon juice and a few drops of sweet almond oil. Mix it well, beat it and apply it. Keep it for half an hour before washing it off.
Soyabeans or Masoor Dal (Lentil) Pack: Take fifty grams soyabeans (or masoor dal), soak it in water over-night. Grind it well next morning into a paste after removing the shells. Mix unboiled milk and almond oil in the paste and apply.
Besan (Gram Flour) Pack: Take one spoonful of besan, a pinch of turmenc (haldi), half a spoon of honey and half a spoon of olive oil. Mix it well and apply.
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